Thursday, March 30, 2017

Yes, Lord, Yes!

Church family, I do not deserve to serve at FBC in Chuck Town, and I do not understand why God chose me to be here at this time and be a part of the huge work that He is doing.  This great work I speak of is not the idea or thought of raising up a new building, but is that of raising up a united church body.  In a world that is riddled with individuality, it is truly refreshing to serve in a body that is seeking humility.

I’m still amazed by the clear confirmation that God sent our way through the pastor search committee process.  I was told in an early meeting that I would not receive a unanimous vote of confirmation from the church body.  My response was that we just need to pray about that.  If you look at the photo above, it will remind you that my assignment was confirmed by 111 yes votes to 0 no votes.  God provided a unanimous calling.  I believe the vote was unanimous because this body’s members were willing to kneel in humility and listen to God.  God can and will powerfully move within and through a body that is unanimous.

Is it possible for a church body full of so many different personalities and opinions to move powerfully in one direction?  Read Ephesians 4:4-6.  There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”  The very same Spirit of God dwells in every single one of us.  We are unified through the Spirit of God.  Therefore, if we seek God’s face through congregational prayer, and if we are listening, we should here the same answer.  Each member must humbly submit to the body as a whole, and be willing give to up his or her own desires to hear with one ear.  He is not a God of confusion and will not send conflicting messages to the members of His church.

April 30th at 5:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center, we will hold a special business meeting in conjunction with our 5th Sunday pot luck dinner for the purpose of discussing and voting on a recommendation brought forth unanimously by our deacon body.  The deacon body recommends that we authorize the Ministry Recruitment Team to populate a Coming Together for the Future Team to formulate a plan to meet our facility needs.  You will have a chance to cast an audible vote for this movement.  During the month of April, I am asking you to do two things.  First, agree to bathe this recommendation in prayer.  Second, if this is truly God’s will, which I believe it is, be willing to humbly submit to the body as a whole as we seek to be unified.  It is truly time for FBC Charleston to Come Together for the Future.           

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